Career Services Helpful Links


Finding a Job or Internship:

Tech's Handshake - Listing of positions posted specifically for Tech students and alumni

Pros and Cons of Job Search Sites - Not sure which job sites are best? Find out here.

USA Jobs - Official Site for Federal Government Jobs

GreenJobs - Listing of renewable energy jobs

Go Abroad - Intern abroad directory from a leading site for meaningful travel and international education

LinkedIn and LinkedIn Internships- Listing of jobs  and internships on LinkedIn

Zip Recruiter and Zip Recruiter College Student- The #1 site Jobseekers use to find employment

Big Data Internship Guide - recently published Big Data Internships and Employment:Tips to Find and Make the Most out of an Internship

Employers That Support DACA and Dreamers


LinkedIn - A professional social media network 

how to use LinkedIn like a pro

Tech's Alumni Directory - Connect with other Tech alumni 

How to network in college, with pro tips from educators, career advisers, college counselors, and former students.

Other Resources, Tips, and Advice:

NMT Career Services Facebook Page - Updates on what's happening in Career Services

NACE Salary Calculator - Average salary information by region, industry, and experience

Glassdoor - Unlimited access to company reviews, salary information, interview insights, benefit reports, jobs, internships, and apprenticeships

Intuit Mint's Salary Data - See and compare true compensation of jobs pulled from TurboTax returns & helps you make smarter earning decisions

ResumeLabguide to writing an entry level resume with no work experience

Students! Do you know of a great resource that should be listed on this page? Send it to us!



Fidel 262- Student Leadership and Engagement